Extended deadline May 9th, 2019
1 mars 2019 – Call for abstracts
2 maj 2019 – Deadline Abstract submission
9 maj 2019 – Extended deadline
- The written language should be English. Accepted abstracts, as Oral or Poster, may be presented in Swedish.
- The abstract text should contain a maximum of 250 words.
- The abstract does not allow any attached images / tables.
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a complete and correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be published as written by the author. - All correspondence regarding the abstract takes place with the submitting party who is responsible for information with the co-authors.
- Extended deadline for submission is May 9, 2019
Behöver du hjälp:
Skicka ett mail till abstracts.sof2019@appinconf.com